CV de Mathieu Andro

Ingénieur-manageur dans le numérique et la veille

Digital Project Manager (Web Development, Digital Libraries, Crowdsourcing, Text Mining, Business Intelligence)

Mathieu Andro

46 years old – Married – 3 children


Team management

  • 37 people in total
  • 13 recruitments

Budget management

  • 8 public funding and patronage for 1 054 865 € in total
  • 10 tenders

Projects management

  • 5 deployments in information systems (with nearly 70,000 digitized documents, nearly 5 million visits per year)
  • Crowdfunding project for the digitization of old books

Web development

WordPress and XHTML, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript websites


  • Native French
  • Fluent English
  • Basic knowledge of German, Russian, and Latin

Digital Skills

  • Expertise in digitization, digital libraries, and crowdsourcing (PhD and project management experience)
  • Text mining (with Luxid and CorTexT) and creation of annotation vocabularies (with Web Studio)
  • Economic intelligence (Master 2), Strategic and technological watch (using DigiMind and KB Crawl), bibliometrics
  • Cataloging in UniMarc format
  • Use of Horizon, Alexandria, Vubis and PMB libraries softwares
  • Responsible for indexing in English in the international bibliographic base Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts (ASFA) of articles from journals and books published by the French National Museum of Natural History
  • Responsible for the Sainte-Geneviève Library for questionpoint services (year 2010)
  • Use of EndNote and Zotero bibliographic management software


  • Since 01/03/2020: Facilitator of the Prime Minister’s Watchers network
  • From 03/15/2018 to 01/03/2020: Head of the Public Services, Monitoring and External Documentation Division at the French Court of Auditors
  • From 01/09/2012 to 15/03/2018: Engineer in text mining, digitization, participative sciences at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
  • From 01/12/2008 to 01/09/2012: Digitization project manager at the Sainte-Geneviève Library (following a Engineer competition)
  • From 01/04/2007 to 01/12/2008: Director of the Library of the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (following a Assistant Engineer competition)
  • From 01/12/2006 to 01/04/2007: Head of the Library of the IUT of Figeac (following a Technician competition)
  • From 01/09/2001 to 01/12/2006: Documentary assistant at the Botanical Library of the French National Museum of Natural History. Then, from 01/01/2004, responsible for the Documentation of the Aquatic Environments and Populations Department (Ichthyology Library (following a competition Technical Assistant)


  • 12/2013 – 10/2016: PhD in Information and Communication Sciences (University of Paris 8): thesis on the subject: Crowdsourcing and digital libraries: experiments around Numalire, on-demand digitization project by crowdfunding
  • 2010-2011: Master 2 (e-learning) Technology Watch and Innovation (Paul Cézanne University)
  • 2008-2009: Master 1 (e-learning) Information and Communication Sciences course Online documentation (Montpellier III)
  • 2006-2007: Professional license (e-learning) Documentary resources & Databases (Montpellier III)
  • 1998-2000: DUT Information -Communication at the University Institute of Information-Communication Technologies of Dijon


83 publications, Cited 419 times

1 thesis, 5 books, 4 reports including 1 government report, 61 articles, 13 interviews and reviews, 11 websites and briefs and videos, 2 datasets on crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, digital libraries, digitization, text mining, open access , bibliometrics, business intelligence and print on demand


126 interventions at 85 conferences and 41 courses


  • Elected city councilor of the City of Hanches (2700 inhabitants)
  • Reserve Captain in Cyber Defense
  • Interest in political science, prehistoric anthropology, mycology, outdoor sports and wine tasting.